Android Java Libraries in UE4 Game (OUYA SDK, Google Play Game Services, etc.)

I merged both PRs into a new branch while I wait for approval.
The new branch -

Now I’ll focus on rewriting the OUYA/Cortex plugin as a UE4 plugin instead of embedding the plugin into the UE4 engine source.
The old way -

I’ve created an Example Project that uses a UE4 plugin to load JAR/Java classes.

The example project referenced my plugin “OuyaSDKPlugin” in the build script.

I’ve created my UE4 plugin here:

I placed the JAR for the plugin here:

I placed the Java source for the plugin here:

I can build successfully, so that’s good. Now I just have to figure out how to get the plugin to initialize.

I need to figure out how to get the StartupModule() method in the UE4 plugin loading which should put something in the logcat.

I can see that the plugin is enabled using the menu item Edit->Plugins and slicking on Project I see the plugin has enabled checked.

The type of plugin that I’m creating is referred to as an “Installed Plugin” in the docs.