Android Input Crash

Hello guys,

thank you for letting me use the awesome Unreal Engine for my projects. I have recently encountered a weird issue when testing my game on my Android tablet. The issue seems to be related to my player controller blueprint that uses an InputTouch Event:

As long as you connect the Released Pin of the InputTouchEvent to any (!) following function (like Imgur: The magic of the Internet) a crash can be reproduced easily by swiping multiple times fast over the borders of the display entering and leaving the touch area. The game crashes without further notification or dialog.

I have extracted this message from the Android Debug Monitor when the crash occurs:
Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [File:Runtime/Core/Public/Containers\Map.h] [Line: 481]

A stack trace was not available.

My tablet: SM-P600 / Android 4.4.2
I am using Unreal Engine 4.10.2.
I have not modified the engine and I am currently using only blueprints. Can you help me out?

Yours sincerely,
Michail Ostrowski

EDIT: I have just received a crash report from play:

Build fingerprint: ‘samsung/lt03wifixx/lt03wifi:4.4.2/KOT49H/P600XXUDOE1:/release-keys’
Revision: ‘4’
pid: 16781, tid: 16799, name: main >>> com.MagicTowerPower <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr d42ae1e0
r0 8462e1e0 r1 00000007 r2 00000005 r3 e3530000
r4 7d949fa8 r5 00000000 r6 00000004 r7 a9f90000
r8 00000000 r9 82f7ebd0 sl 82f7eb00 fp 7d94a0f0
ip 80000000 sp 7d949de0 lr 7aad28f0 pc 7aad2a0c cpsr a0010010
d0 0000000000000a07 d1 0000000000000000
d2 c3c74a383f800000 d3 43b59ec745964b00
d4 439769af44da5d3b d5 c5c58e1f44cbd3f7
d6 43fb8fe8c703f073 d7 4437d93d43c74a38
d8 000000003c842f80 d9 0000000000000000
d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
d16 3fe3bd3cb74fe0a4 d17 3f820cadaa39cb5e
d18 bfefffffe01a09f4 d19 3fda996ca7668b1c
d20 bff0000000000000 d21 3fbda398fbe5c547
d22 3fa55553e1053a42 d23 3d72a231363bcb17
d24 3ff000000ff2fb16 d25 3ef99342e0ee5069
d26 387945c0f1f551f8 d27 3fa55553e1053a42
d28 bfc4d03e75d7d1ae d29 bf29d48551e0248e
d30 bff921fb54442d18 d31 3fe921fb60000000
scr 8000001f

#00 pc 01e2ca0c /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (UPlayerInput::ProcessInputStack(TArray<UInputComponent*, FDefaultAllocator> const&, float, bool)+3752)
#01 pc 018a94f8 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (APlayerController::ProcessPlayerInput(float, bool)+80)
#02 pc 018a881c /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (APlayerController::TickPlayerInput(float, bool)+832)
#03 pc 018a83b4 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (APlayerController::PlayerTick(float)+80)
#04 pc 018af488 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (APlayerController::TickActor(float, ELevelTick, FActorTickFunction&)+320)
#05 pc 01692244 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FActorTickFunction::ExecuteTick(float, ELevelTick, ENamedThreads::Type, TRefCountPtr const&)+64)
#06 pc 01a62d00 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (TGraphTask::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask*, FDefaultAllocator>&, ENamedThreads::Type)+52)
#07 pc 0137e454 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FTaskThread::ProcessTasks(int, bool)+336)
#08 pc 0137d5ac /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FTaskGraphImplementation::ProcessThreadUntilRequestReturn(ENamedThreads::Type)+164)
#09 pc 0137d9b0 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FTaskGraphImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete(TArray<TRefCountPtr, TInlineAllocator<4u, FDefaultAllocator> > const&, ENamedThreads::Type)+832)
#10 pc 01a65130 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup(ETickingGroup, bool)+508)
#11 pc 01a6418c /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup(ETickingGroup, bool)+20)
#12 pc 0184ce58 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (UWorld::Tick(ELevelTick, float)+1392)
#13 pc 0175fac0 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (UGameEngine::Tick(float, bool)+840)
#14 pc 01324234 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (FEngineLoop::Tick()+1788)
#15 pc 0132afd8 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (AndroidMain(android_app*)+2924)
#16 pc 0132b188 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/ (android_main+116)
#17 pc 013336c0 /data/app-lib/com.MagicTowerPower-1/
#18 pc 0000d280 /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+72)
#19 pc 0000d418 /system/lib/ (pthread_create+240)

code around pc:
7aad29ec e7907182 e51b20ec e1570001 0a000006
7aad29fc e0833083 e0803183 e5933010 e0837083
7aad2a0c e7907187 e1570001 1afffff8 e0833083
7aad2a1c e0807183 e9970089 e88d0089 e59d0084
7aad2a2c e59d3074 e58d000c e28d0f5e eb00ce18
7aad2a3c e51b50ec e2850001 e50b00ec e51b10e8
7aad2a4c e1550001 aa000001 e51b20f0 ea00000f
7aad2a5c e3a02078 ebd493ce e50b00e8 e51b30f0
7aad2a6c e3530000 1a000002 e3a02000 e3500000
7aad2a7c 0a000006 e0600200 e3a02000 e1a01180
7aad2a8c e1a00003 ebd5ddf1 e1a02000 e50b20f0
7aad2a9c e0650205 e0820180 e3500000 0a000001
7aad2aac e28d1f5e eb00bb4a e51b011c e3a05001
7aad2abc e3500002 ba000040 e51b0120 e7901105
7aad2acc e3a00000 e58d1178 e59a20d8 e3520000
7aad2adc 0a000013 e59a30d4 e2422001 e0022001

code around lr:
7aad28d0 e1a06104 e1a01006 e3a02000 ebd5de5e
7aad28e0 e50b0120 e1a02006 e5971000 ebcebdbe
7aad28f0 e50b411c e50b4118 e35a0000 0a00000f
7aad2900 e59a0004 e2500001 e58a0004 1a00000b
7aad2910 e59a0000 e5901000 e1a0000a e12fff31
7aad2920 e59a0008 e2500001 e58a0008 1a000003
7aad2930 e59a0000 e5901008 e1a0000a e12fff31
7aad2940 e1a0a008 e3590000 0a00000f e5990004
7aad2950 e2500001 e5890004 1a00000b e5990000
7aad2960 e5901000 e1a00009 e12fff31 e5990008
7aad2970 e2500001 e5890008 1a000003 e5990000
7aad2980 e5901008 e1a00009 e12fff31 e59d906c
7aad2990 e3a08000 e59d008c e3500001 1a0000bf
7aad29a0 e59d007c e59d1064 e5d00000 e2000002
7aad29b0 e18100a0 e3500000 0a0000b1 e51b1120
7aad29c0 e59a30d8 e59a20d4 e5911000 e2433001


Could you please delete your DerivedDataCache, Intermediate and Saved folders from your project and try to package again?

If that does not work, please go to: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools and run Monitor.bat with your device connected and the game running in order to capture the logs we’re looking for. You can add in a filter for UE4 if you’d like.

Please upload those logs to your next reply, thanks!

This issue has been handled in this thread: Random Crash in UPlayerInput::ProcessInputStack - UI - Unreal Engine Forums