I need to provide file access between my app and the photo’s app. What I’m trying to do is load a photo from the gallery or camera.
This used to work until I upgraded to 24 when I ran into a permissions problem.
The solution seems to be to identify my app as a FileProvider - as described here:
However I’m not sure how to approach:
<paths xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<files-path name="my_images" path="images/"/>
<files-path name="my_docs" path="docs/"/>
Put the <paths> element and its children in an XML file in your project. For example, you can add them to a new file called res/xml/file_paths.xml.
Seems that I could modify the apk post build but this is going to get old fast. Perhaps there’s a location I can put the file in the build directory or elsewhere and get it copied across when packaging?
I can see the build system moving files around in UEDeployAndroid, and also that the APL contents appear in the Intermediate folder.
Two questions I guess:
If I copy a file to the relevant
place in Intermediate does it
magically appear in the APK
How do I copy a source file to
Intermediate during the build
procress? It looks like file copying
is in the core deployment cs files
but not the plugin cs files so I’m hoping that I can add files to a
list somewhere with a desired
Dealing with this in a plugin scenario, assuming that you already added the _APL.xml file in your build.cs, put the file_paths.xml in the same folder as the APL.xml file and you can add this code to your (filename)_APL.xml
<root xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- optional files or directories to copy to Intermediate/Android/APK -->
<copyFile src="$S(ProjectDir)/Plugins/(YourPlugin)/Source/(YourPlugin)/file_paths.xml"
dst="$S(BuildDir)/res/xml/file_paths.xml" />