Okay, well I’ve been fighting with this for a while now. I’m ready to ask the question.
Basically, I created a game that has three (2) levels, two (2) of which are stream loaded.
Initial Menu → Cinematic
Cinematic → Initial Menu
Initial Menu → Game
Game → Initial Menu
In the Initial Menu level my hitboxes are working as intended. (They are 256 by 128) I reused the texture from the menu example in blueprints. I created new buttons (128 - 64) for the Game level but either of the two (2) types of button gives me the same problem.
When I load my Game level my hitboxes move up half of their size. And when I go from Game to Initial Menu they look like they are working correctly again. The Hitbox white box is showing that everything is where it should be. It just isn’t there.
I used the Menu Template in the Blueprint examples for the code
I created a switch depending on the state of the menu
Initial Menu
I swap those states when I want to. I use the same screen dimensions. Why does it break when I load the game initial level? Is anyone else experiencing this? The one thing that I can think of that I do in the game level that seems to cause this is:
Set View Target with Blend. I wonder if it has something to do with it breaking on mobile devices? Any help is greatly appreciated.