Hello, at first i need to tell my english isn’t good and sorry for that. I started to learn UE4 more less like week ago and first thing I want to make is interface to my game. I want to make games only on mobile. I found many ways to do that but i cant find with one is correct.
Make Box and use oninputtouchbegin and oninputtouchend -
I think this metod is good if you need to click, interact with object in game. This metod not work well if You want to make buttons for example arrows for character movement. If You relase Your finger not in place where the object was clicked scrip dont run oninputtouchend - engine think it is still pressed !
Inputtouch -
I just already test it. Looks like it dont have problem with relase finger - wherever You will do that script works well and engine know finger is relased. I use breakvector and float x>y x
etc to describe where on screen touch schould work.Iits little problematic and i dont know yet how to place icons of buttons. I DO NOT check, that it will work on many resolution with diffrent phones ?
UMG buttons
I cant find ANY tutorial how to make arrows/ buttons with it I found info that You cant use UMG if You use Virtual Joy or other thing is already tapped on screen. Soo its useless for me.
I apreciate if someone send link to tutorial how to make interface like this :
https://lh3.ggpht.com/2j7wPlmdCOwqP_QgEHkfcv2fEEBtzItmkVvHc7phYyxWVhKoa1jHo2iJ2OdnbizxvNA=h90 or http://img2.androidgamesroom.com/images/azyxdq/5/883468583814_5.gif