Android game not matching the PC look

I’ve set up my Unreal 5.4 mobile project according to the U5 guides. I’ve also used some point lights, I’ve set the max settings for textures, I’ve reviewed all the required data for the .apk generation (SDK, NDK, JDK)+app info, etc. to generate the testing .apk version of my game.

I’ve also configured the device “play” project, I can see my Android 10 phone correctly.

When I play on the viewport, the level gives off good light reflection from the lights to the wall, everything is well lit.

However when I’m on the Android .APK all my soft lights and reflections from the environment (bounce lights) are gone. What other things do I need to check to match the PC look?

I’ve set a high quality on Vulcan Android in the project’s settings. Here’s an image of how the game looks>>

Please help me solve this issue.

Hi there @3dcinetv,

Hope you’re well!

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