Android development packaging is good, but shipping packaging is crash on splash screen

Hello, I fixed a bug in the current Development packaging, so I built it to experiment with the shipping packaging to see if it was working properly after the test was completed. I downloaded the app on my phone Galaxy S21+ and ran it, so the app shut down after the splash screen scene. I checked the log with adb and it came up with this one.

04-09 17:36:23.567  1104  1104 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000077ee2bb790 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2325.0 |    0   75 1080 2400 | com.epicgames.XRProject/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity$_10996#97075
04-09 17:36:23.567  1104  1104 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000077ee321850 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2325.0 |    0   75 1080 2400 | com.epicgames.XRProject/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity$_10996#97074
04-09 17:36:23.567  1104  1104 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000077ee2b0f90 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    4.0 1080.0   75.0 |    0    0 1080   71 | StatusBar$_2107#84
04-09 17:36:23.567  1104  1104 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000077ee2a9a50 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  129.0 |    0 2271 1080 2400 | NavigationBar0$_2107#80
04-09 17:36:23.567  1104  1104 D SurfaceFlinger: 
04-09 17:36:23.568  1104  1104 I Layer   : id=97060 Destroyed 69a5bbe Splash Screen com.epicgames.XRProject#97060
04-09 17:36:23.568  1104  1104 I Layer   : id=97061 Destroyed Splash Screen com.epicgames.XRProject$_2107#97061
04-09 17:36:23.569 10996 11065 I ViewRootImpl@43e5c54[GameActivity]: mWNT: t=0xb400007ac43d45b0 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb400007ae43d2770 fn= 2 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl$6.onFrameDraw:5539 android.view.ViewRootImpl$2.onFrameDraw:2103 android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:788 
04-09 17:36:23.576  2401  3095 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 7- eventType=0x1a, addressType=1, address=XX:XX:XX:XX:45:68, primaryPhy=1, secondaryPhy=0, advertisingSid=0xff, txPower=127, rssi=-75, periodicAdvInt=0x0
04-09 17:36:23.591  1439  1910 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer: Backhaul result - RSSI:-41, CE:16, PE:15, TI:29, PTI:28, TW:1, PTW:1, Tx:40, Rx:120, TxS:38, RxS:34, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:13, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
04-09 17:36:23.617  1439  1830 D MdnieScenarioControlService:  packageName : com.epicgames.XRProject    className : com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity
04-09 17:36:23.617  1439  1830 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3)
04-09 17:36:23.627  2401  3095 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 7- eventType=0x1a, addressType=1, address=XX:XX:XX:XX:EE:74, primaryPhy=1, secondaryPhy=0, advertisingSid=0xff, txPower=127, rssi=-74, periodicAdvInt=0x0
04-09 17:36:23.717  1439  1830 V MdnieScenarioControlService: mAclOffEnabled : false mAclPreviewState : false mAclCompensationState : false
04-09 17:36:23.721 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 38
04-09 17:36:23.721 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.721 10996 11055 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x38, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.721 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x38 and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.721 10996 11055 E Gralloc4: isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 5
04-09 17:36:23.721   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 38
04-09 17:36:23.721   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.721   974 26079 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x38, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x38 and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: allocate, buffer allocation failed with -22
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E GraphicBufferAllocator: Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 5
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E AHardwareBuffer: GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -5), handle=0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 3b
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x3b, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x3b and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E Gralloc4: isSupported(1, 1, 59, 1, ...) failed with 5
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 3b
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x3b, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x3b and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: allocate, buffer allocation failed with -22
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E GraphicBufferAllocator: Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 59 usage b00: 5
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E AHardwareBuffer: GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -5), handle=0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 38
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x38, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x38 and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E Gralloc4: isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 5
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 38
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x38, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x38 and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: allocate, buffer allocation failed with -22
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E GraphicBufferAllocator: Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 5
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E AHardwareBuffer: GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -5), handle=0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 3b
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x3b, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x3b and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E Gralloc4: isSupported(1, 1, 59, 1, ...) failed with 5
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 3b
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Format allocation info not found for format: 0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: Invalid base format! req_base_format = 0x0, req_format = 0x3b, type = 0x0
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: ERROR: Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x3b and usage 0xb00
04-09 17:36:23.722   974 26079 E gralloc4: allocate, buffer allocation failed with -22
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E GraphicBufferAllocator: Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 59 usage b00: 5
04-09 17:36:23.722 10996 11055 E AHardwareBuffer: GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -5), handle=0x0
04-09 17:36:23.724   991 11017 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMinFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 3252526
04-09 17:36:23.724   991 11017 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 3252526
04-09 17:36:23.732 10996 11055 I SwappyDisplayManager: Using internal com/google/androidgamesdk/SwappyDisplayManager class from dex bytes.
04-09 17:36:23.733 10996 11055 E SwappyDisplayManager: dalvik.system.InMemoryDexClassLoader[DexPathList[[dex file "InMemoryDexFile[cookie=[0, -5476376622825062224]]"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib64, /system/system_ext/lib64]]] couldn't find ""
04-09 17:36:23.733 10996 11113 I SwappyDisplayManager: Starting looper thread
04-09 17:36:23.749  3545  3545 E adbd    : failed to connect to socket 'tcp:6666': Connection refused
04-09 17:36:23.751 10996 11107 I BLASTBufferQueue: [SurfaceView[com.epicgames.XRProject/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity]@0#2](f:0,a:0,s:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available

I looked into the relevant log through search, but the part that I could know was that it would be terminated in relation to Vulkan and Mediaplayer, but it was not resolved with certainty.

NDK is 25 and Target is android-29. Engine is full source 5.2. Is there a solution?