Android Build - Storage Permission

When i upload my game to consoleplay, and download my game to my test mobile, i am facing with storage permission required screen. My game doesn’t require an external storage permission, in game, i am saving everthing internally.
I had tried many solutions such as creating “ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt”, creating “AndroidSanitizePermission_UPL.xlm”, removing “Show launch image” and some other solutions as well, but i could not manage to solve this problem.
Anyone can help me? I am also leaving some of my configurations with pictures, notes and AndroidManifest.xlm permissions pic.
Java JDK11
SDK API level: android-34
NDK API level: android-26
Minimum SDK version: 26
Target SDK version:34 (I should use 34 because of my ADS plugin)

I want to add my AndroidManifest.xlm file’s permissions here also