Hello everybody
Unreal engine is a great engine, but I have a problem today
I have a Ant error when i use build shipping + “for distribution”
- launch on my tablet it work
- development build it work
- shipping build only it work
if I check “for distribution” I have this error :
ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c “C:/NVPACK/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant.bat” release -Djava.source=1.7 -Djava.target=1.7
It look like a java problem, I tried to use jdk 1.7 but I have the same error.
I installed codeworks 1R6u1, I didn’t install Nsight Tegra 3.14 because it don’t work with VS2017, I installed NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition 5.4
I create my key with cmd and put it in Build/Android folder
I deleted Intermediate and Save folder with no success
I also have an error if I use Gradle instead of Ant
my setting :
Help me, Thanks