Android Black screen and crash

Hi I’m trying to run my game on an HTC Sensation Z710e with Android 4.0.3

I just use the launch button and it packages and deploys the game, but I get a black screen and after 5 seconds or so it goes back to home screen quitely.

I used aLogCat to look at the logfile, but there was no specific error, just a message that the process has died at the end, no warnings or errors before that.

How can I find out what goes wrong? Isn’t there some guide or tutorial on how to debug problems with android? I have no clue where to start.

Thanks for any information or ideas!

Hey BramV,

Have you made sure to set the Default Game Startup map within your Project Settings?

When you package your project, it is going to exclude the engine contents and example maps. These maps are set as the default to open in the editor or in game, but if since they are missing in your packaged project it needs a new start up map.

Use the image below to help you locate this option

Let me know if this was helpful, or if you have further questions.



My launched game in android is showing a black screen as well as, and is also crashing after 5 seconds.
I have packaged my game many times for android, so I am aware of the default map setting in the project settings.

The first time it happened I rechecked the default map settings to make sure they were correct. I then repackaged the game. Now the game is showing a black screen and is crashing.

fyi: I have been preparing my game for distribution, so I may have changed some other settings for decreasing the package size or optimization purposes.

I know my default map settings are correct. What else could be causing the black screen AND the crash all of a sudden?

Try deleting your ‘Saved’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders and restarting the project. It sounds like a simple fix, but sometimes these issues are rogue and can be fixed with a simple restart of the project.