Hi, Is it possible to make a Simple Alarm Clock using Unreal Engine?
It is. Is it worth it?No. You’d have to essentially add java code an make a wrapper in-engine to call this code (you can’t have handlers that are integrated with the android system in unreal) , as well as find a way to pass data round so you can essentially make the engine a bridge from the user to the java code. I’ts much better to make just a java app.
thank you for the answer!. I thought it is impossible since I’m simply a new user in UE4 and doesn’t have any experience of programming. (Also, English novice here )
So far, I managed to finish my UI. I made an app “To do List”. UI in UE4 is very strong! The only thing I lack is the Notification System which can notify me like every 1hr by Setting the Count Down Time. Is there any blueprint to show how to do these things?
EDIT: Oh, so you mean I should just make the app using a different Engine?
What I am really doing is that I need my app to notify me in a certain countDown and will pop up on my phone screen. is this possible?
Or is there any alternate way that instead of notifying me, the app will automatically opens in a certain countdown?
The engines are made with a crossplatform mindset. In order to have such timer you need to be able to have your app running on the background (or use java - which is still an undocumented thing and you need to have experience in android as well) . Unreal can kindof do that in iOS. There are plans for android but everything is incomplete. Answerhub Link . You could resort to some push notifications but that would require a server which is too much of a hassle for this kind of thing (4.9 introduced push notifications).
If you really want to get such functionality you either use a different engine or use java (best option in my opinion).
P.S. Please stop commenting on my other answers to help you, I can see that you commented with email notifications
Thank you Sir! I won’t do it again. You helped me Very much so far!!! this is resolved!
Push Notification or Java coding is the answer to this question. But If there is any other answer, pls don’t hesitate.
Is there any tutorials for Push Notification?