Android Admob Not Working

Admob banner ads are not showing up. I have tried 4.21, 4.22, and 4.23, both upgrading my project as well as creating a brand new project. My project is a Blueprint project, no source or cpp. I am using the official google/admob testing ad unit ID’s.

If I use this plugin: EasyAds in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
The banner ad loads up fine no problem when launching to my phone from the editor. But I have issues packaging my game using that plugin due to an error within the plugin.

The plugin itself is unrelated to what I am asking. I just want to point out that ads are successfully working when using that plugin, but they do not work when using Unreal Engine’s own implementation, ironically.

When I run the app from the editor onto my phone, the log doesn’t show any errors. But when I close the app, these noticeable warnings pop up:

LogPlayLevel: Warning: 11-01
14:15:07.592 12118 12149 D UE4 :
[2019.11.01-18.15.07:592][455]LogAdvertising: Warning: Failed to find Advertising
provider named AndroidAdvertising.

LogPlayLevel: Warning: 11-01
14:15:07.592 12118 12149 D UE4 :
Warning: ModuleManager: Module
‘AndroidAdvertising’ not found - its
function is null.

I just published my app on a closed alpha branch on the Play Store. Still no banner ads showing up. I have looked at every other answer hub link and forum post, and I cannot find any solution to this. I have spent days trying to figure it out and I just can’t come across a solution.

Epic Games, you make money by giving the opportunity for developers to make money. Why is there such a lack of documentation for one of the methods for your developers make revenue, which in turn gives you revenue?

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Try this, is a good way:

Try this, is a good way: