An Unreal process has crashed: UE4- Twinmotion

Hi. I've had a few crashes of late. I"m now getting this message after I render out some animations (but not every time?). I"m also not sure why it states I have UE 5 installed.

16" 64GB Mac M1 (i know its not fully supported) OS 12.4. Seems to happen in scenes where I have a change in ambient states. (again not always) Appreciate any help!

Twinmotion (1).log (12.3 MB)

minidump.dmp (218.8 KB)

Diagnostics.txt (87.5 KB)

CrashReportClient (1).ini (107 Bytes)

info.txt (572 Bytes)

CrashContext.runtime-xml (14.1 KB)

Hi Josh and thank you for reaching out.

The reason why you are seeing UE4 when crashing is that Twinmotion is still built on UE 4.27.

Will be moving to 5.0 probably towards the end of the month with the next release and 5.1 with Twinmotion 2023.

All that to say that this part is normal. As for the actual crash... is it possible that M1 changes the file permission?

Can you check if you have the read and write permission for all files used with Twinmotion?

If this is indeed the case, I will need you to share your file with us if you can so that I can troubleshoot where the issue could be from.

Thank you


HI Jaroslaw, unfortunately, we do not have any details on this yet.

Hi, Glad to hear that Twinmotion will be based on the UE5 and later the UE5.1. When can you expect a version for Apple Silicon? Are you planning VR support in Twinmotion Cloud?