An Unreal process has crashed: UE-Replikant

could anyone tell me why i am getting this issue when i start replikant software

Hi Soldier, Welcome to the Forums.

It looks like you’re using this software:

If you were developing this program yourself I’d advise you to install ‘editor symbols’ so you could get more information about the crash.

The best path forward is to contact the Replikant developers and let them know about your crash. (Tell them your hardware specifications as well) - Maybe it’s a known issue for them, or they might have some troubleshooting steps.

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply bro, I tagged them this issue and they asked me about my system details and asked me to submit that error along with answering this question What was I doing when this crash happened.
And I did whatever they told me to do but after that they didn’t do anything nor did I get any feedback or anything that helped me so I came here because I saw that the unreal engine was used in that software. And that software is the cause of the problem