An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation

I’m attempting to load a project my friend is working on and I am getting the following error.

[2015.02.16-03.27.55:078][  0]LogImageWrapper:Error: PNG Error: IDAT: CRC error
First-chance exception at 0x00007FFCAFC6C4A0 (ntdll.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000028: An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation.
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFCAFC6C4A0 (ntdll.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000028: An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation.

This is happening when the editor is loading all the files.The project itself builds fine. I did some debugging on the function it is failing on:

inline UClass* FindOrLoadClass(FString& PathName, UClass* BaseClass)
		// If there is no dot, add ".<object_name>_C"
		int32 PackageDelimPos = INDEX_NONE;
		PathName.FindChar(TCHAR('.'), PackageDelimPos);
		if (PackageDelimPos == INDEX_NONE)
			int32 ObjectNameStart = INDEX_NONE;
			PathName.FindLastChar(TCHAR('/'), ObjectNameStart);
			if (ObjectNameStart != INDEX_NONE)
				const FString ObjectName = PathName.Mid(ObjectNameStart + 1);
				PathName += TCHAR('.');
				PathName += ObjectName;
				PathName += TCHAR('_');
				PathName += TCHAR('C');
		return StaticLoadClass(BaseClass, NULL, *PathName);

This is in ConstructoHelpers.h. I’ve compared it to another project and the values it’s passing are exactly the same as a new project I created. (MyCharacter is the asset btw if that makes any difference, though I doubt it).

Has anyone else experienced this or found what could be causing it?
