"An Error Occurred" When I attempt to link account.


Unable to link Sketchfab to Epic account.

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered

Steps to Reproduce

While in “fab.com/portal/migration” click “link accounts”. Which takes me to “Migrate Sketchfab listings”, I check the box and click accept. I get a red box on top reading “An error occurred”.

Expected Result

It should link my account.

Observed Result

I get stopped at the warning “An error occurred”



Operating System

Windows 11

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Hi @Mike.Gehri . Please go to Sketchfab > Settings > Connected Accounts and try connecting to your Epic Games account from there. Once you’ve done that, head back to Fab and the accounts should be linked up, as long as you’re using the same sign-on address for both.

Let me know if that does the trick or if you’re still running into issues.