An error occurred on the Migrate Sketchfab listings page


I followed the steps in the mail to migrate my Dketchfab models to Fab, but once I agree to the migration process on the “Migrate Sketchfab listings” page ( /fab-migration) I have a red banner with “An error occurred” written

Since there is no more information about the error, I don’t know what I should do

I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me on what I need to do to be able to start the migration.

My sketchfab account: Zacxophone

Best Zack

Hi @Zechasault . Sorry you’re running into that issue.

First, unlink your Sketchfab and Epic accounts (from your Sketchfab account settings).

Next, relink your Sketchfab and Epic accounts. Make sure that you’re linking the same Epic account that you use for Fab sign-in.

If you continue to run into issues, please reach out to the support team and they should be able to provide a bit better support than I can. :slight_smile:

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It worked straight away, thank you very much @skfabby :slight_smile:

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Excellent! Glad to hear it. Welcome to Fab. :sparkles: