An error in my project that makes me despair

CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘StaticMesh’: BP_Interact_Location_Child_Loot_Chest_Generic_TEST_C /Game/Maps/NovaTown_P.NovaTown_P:PersistentLevel.BP_Interact_Location_Child_Loot_Chest_Generic_TEST_C_UAID_18C04D5CB26ADD2201_1988736117

is a BP that points to a folder that no longer exists, the BP no longer exists.

I forgot to delete it from the map before deleting the folder and it shows up as an error object now.

How can I remove the no longer existing object from the map?

I think you in advance

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Hi! Just a guess. Create a BP with the same name on the original folder of the BP. Maybe:)

ok i will try this.

I need to restore the old BP objects to delete them… fortunately i still had a backup.

maybe UE developers should take this into account and consider other options. That the user also has a way to delete erroneous BP from the map without restoring them, because it may not be desired.