An animated piece ´La Girafe de Magritte à l´aube´ _

I´m glad to share with the community my last piece done with Unreal Engine.
An animated piece puting together two artists that I love from Belgium, Magritte and Horta in a surealist scene.
Alba is a metahuman girl who saves the giraffe from Magritte´s peinture The Cut Glass Bath.

You can watch it here:

Lighting setup //

Thirds rule //

// Details

// Here is a video with the Layout

// Details

// Sequencer animation

I´ve presented the piece to the Rookies 2022, if you would like to see the project and feel that deserves a ´high five´, here is the link:

Thanks for watching ! :slight_smile:


This definitely deserves all the “high five’s” and rounds of applause. Absolutely stunning environment and lighting. Do you have an ArtStation with other bits of your work as well?


Greetings @Javi_Txu !

This is mesmerizingly beautiful and imaginative! It shines in its grace allowing the viewer to wonder at the magnificence of giraffes and the sheer elegance that humans express through various forms of art. The dancer Alba in your project reminds me of Sydney Kennett - an example of how amazing art can be!

What is it in the art of Magritte and Horta that speaks to you?


Thanks a lot @PresumptivePanda , really appreciated.

Here you can see more of my pieces in ArtStation:

Have a nice time


Thanks @Get_DOVAH_it

Really nice to hear from you and your perspective about the piece.

I am happy that you like it.

Living in Brussels, there is a big influence from those two artists, from Magritte, the surealism as from Horta, the love for nature and its organic shapes.

They are true inspiration.

All the best !