Ammo PickUp - Cast Failing


So, I have this handgun with working functionality, and I also have an ammo pick up. The ammo pick up is casting to the handgun, and should be calling a function inside the handgun, but the cast is failing inside the ammo pick up. Does anyone know why? Images are below.

it seems that OnBeginActorOverlap is on AmmoPickUp, can you print the GetClassName from Other Action instead of just “Failed”?

I believe there might be either, you colliding some other thing or the overlap channel of one of them are set to ignore.

This would mean that the Component’s overlap OtherActor is not a PistolHitScan object. Drag a wire of OtherActor >> GetObjectName and PrintText that value - this will show you what object you are overlapping with.

Perhaps something else is blocking the overlap.