Am new to this engine and i been struggling trying to add ammo to my weapon if anyone can help i would appreciate it just send me the ammo blueprint and i copy it from there thanks
my fire function
Am new to this engine and i been struggling trying to add ammo to my weapon if anyone can help i would appreciate it just send me the ammo blueprint and i copy it from there thanks
my fire function
My best recommendation is to store two integers in your character, or gun/magazine (depending on how your mechanics work) for realism. One for current ammo and one for max ammo. Then when you call your spawn bullet function, subtract 1 from your current ammo (you can set a branch to disable your gun when youre out of ammo as well). Then set up character input to set your ammo to your max ammo variable (you can throw in delays and anims for ambient features)
can you show me an example ?
Here’s a quick example. I can’t test it right now because I have to get working on some other stuff, but let me know what happens.
it comes up in notepad?
You’ll need to copy the files into your project since they’re uassets. I did it in BP, but if you’re looking for C++ I’ll work on that later.
it comes up with notepad can you send the download link again