Hi there. Is it possible to run unreal 5 only with the on-board GPU of Ryzen 5 5600G ?
Unfortunately I don’t think it is powerful enough to run the engine properly. The engine is very graphically intensive and would require a better GPU. I suggest you look at this: Hardware and Software Specifications for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
Unreal Engine does recommend a dedicated graphics card. Without a dedicated graphics card you will run into a lot of memory crashes. Having more than 8 gb of ram might help, but having a dedicated graphics card would be better. Hope this helps!
Bro me running unreal engine 5.3 using RYZEN 3 4 GB ram
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum. For anyone reading this post going forward, Epic does recommend a dedicated GPU to run Unreal Engine. Trying to run it without one could be difficult, hard on your CPU, and cause a load of problems for your performance. I hope that helps!