Ambiant sound restarting after jumping

I have a strange problem in my zombi game.
I put a sound cue in my level (ambient sound) to play the sound of a fire.
My player is moving arround it and everything works well. But as soon as I jump, the audio of the fire is restarting each time !

I am not able to find the reason… I have tried :

  • to disable attenuation, change attenuation, etc…
  • to set the parameter “play when silent” inside the sound cue
  • to set priority to 10
  • to check “bypass priority”
  • to disable spatialization
  • to disable all footsteps sounds generated by jumping (even if they are not causing issue when walking…)
  • My world use streaming level, the sound is inside a level, so I tried to put sound directly inside the persistent level to be sure it wasn’t the problem.

BUT nothing is working…
The strange thing is that i haven’t issue with the main music of the game, just with sound cue. Also, I haven’t issue with sound spawned inside blueprint (majority of time ? I think one of them is causing issue but not sure why).
I have only 7 active sounds at the same time (according to debug infos) so no reason for it to stop.

It sounds like the problem is appearing not only when jumping with the input key, but as soon as the player is “falling”. Falling from a tower, a wall… The sound restart at the moment the player begin to fall and at the moment the player land on floor.

I am not able to reproduce it inside the editor, only in packaged game (development or realease).

I am using UE 4.26.

Thank you for your time and your help !

All the best,

Found the issue. It was link to a code that was placed inside a node “on movement mode changed” that was playing again ambiance sound.

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