Am I ghostbanned from the forum?
I got not a single reply to like past 15 questions I asked.
Or am I just the smartest person in the world and if I don’t know something then nobody does?
Edit: I am asking cause I don’t want to waste my time. I actualy figure answers to my questions by myslef quite often and I just don’t wanna spend time writing a post here if it doesn’t even show up.
I’ve noticed your posts but I haven’t had any immediate thoughts to contribute - I’m guessing others are the same… Sometimes when it’s quite, wait a while and try again.
Im not getting answers to problems that I have seen asked before (and someone should know the answer by now, or Epic should have fixed it?).
And no answers for if anyone or Epic can compile for [the community], free assets that were for UE4.26, but not UE4.27.
So I know how you feel, and idk if less pros visit UE forums anymore?? It’s very weird but frustrating.
Also if youre answering questions, I find that helpful (thank you), esp when you give pictures and steps.
I’ve been doing the same when I find out something - I give directions and pictures, as tho Im teaching someone new to UE - because I know how it feels when someone says do X, but idk where to go to do X in the Editor.
Thanks for your post @AntiGravity . Can you explain what happened?
I was a forum member in the ancient days of UE1* and 2. I remember devs would post.
I left, then returned to UE in 2022.
All I know is that when I google search for answers, I get some results to the deactivated forums, pics or redirects dont work. It’s like a knowledge base has been wiped out or is outdated with engine changes.
Then there’s this forum, which seems like a ghost town? (Ive received some help to easy things, but it seems like there are less pros left.)
Lately I’ve been more active on the forums, replying / answering questions but I notice most other people answering are the same developers and most people questioning are beginners who (sometimes) just need to be pointed to the available documentation and tutorials out there. That and the horrific UX the forum website offers isn’t really a motivation for experienced devs to come here.
Looking at your last few posts, you put programming questions under Getting Started instead of Programming & Scripting, so you are likely missing a lot of eyes that can help.
No, it’s just the poor design of the new forum. Previously, the forum landing page was the typical discourse one, where people could see the recent posts and the categories at the same time:
It’s this page, with the categories on the left and recent posts/topics on the right, which works as an extreme multiplier of community engagement. The combination of seeing the recent posts, topics and avatars of the forum users familiar to you is what creates most of the user engagement on discourse based forum.
With the recent Epic community hub, which merged in a crippled version of the discourse, this has been destroyed, so it’s quite natural the community engagement will drop to a fraction of what it was.
There will be much, much less answered new threads, because people will miss majority of them.