For my TD-Game I need a Projectile that always hits, no matter what. I already tried that with the homing projectile itself, but it tends to fail some times, also i tried a niagara variant, but there is a problem with dealing damage to the exact target and also that the projectile tends to rotate around the target.
Do you now someone who had a similar problem or had a solution for his own TD?
I was wondering if my Idea, that the distance to the enemy divided with the Velocity of the Projectile give the exact Time the projectile would need to reach its target? So i can take that time and use it as a “Make sure Delay” to call the Hit event nevertheless when the Projectile is still valid and in that case has missed the Enemy?
Yeah, the Idea of using the time the projectile would need to reach its target is just a “Make Sure” function of the projectile, in case the homing system misses or orbits around the target. So It should call the hitevent when overlapping the Target in the first place, even tho it could surpass the target like in your example