Alternative to oodle compression?

I want to keep file size minimal as possible and load times also minimal, so, a good compression algorithm would be nice, problem is, there aren’t many options for doing so, there’s oodle, but that is hard as hell to reach and is mostly for only multi million dollar corporations, there’s zstandard, which is similar in compression to oodle, hell of a lot high, but that will require me to make a full custom engine build which is out of the question entirely. That leaves me with… pretty much nothing except standard file size optimization. Solution?

Looking for better compression too. It seems like the only other compression plugin is one by a Chinese programmer that uses Zstandard and requires you to use a custom build of unreal anyways, so its practically pointless. I think there may be a limitation of plugins. After translating the instructions of that zstd plugin, it mentions how plugins can’t actually add new compression for the unreal pak tool to use. The engine may be able to OPEN paks that use the new compression, but you need a custom UnrealPak build, which requires an engine rebuild, in order to actually create the pak files with the new compression.

I believe oodle only works because Epic worked with them to implement oodle compression directly into the engine code, only requiring a plugin to “unlock” it essentially. We will probably need to get on Epic’s case about this and keep requesting they add the ability to add compression types using plugins.