Alternative to deprecated get_bound_objects ?

In Unreal 5.0 i wrote in my code following.
bound_objects = unreal.SequencerTools().get_bound_objects(bla,bla,bla)
And everything works well.

In Unreal 5.3.2 everything works well, but i receive a deprecation warning

DeprecationWarning: SequencerTools: Function ‘get_bound_objects’ on ‘SequencerToolsFunctionLibrary’ is deprecated: Function ‘GetBoundObjects’ is deprecated.

Ok. But there is no alternative was offered.

The question is:
What function i must use instead of “get_bound_objects”?

Also get_object_bindings also marked as deprecated. Which methods should i use instead?

Hey there @9Evgeny9! Welcome back to the community! Looks like that might have been moved to ULevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary::GetObjectBindings

Deprecated * SequencerTools::GetObjectBindings has been deprecated because it doesn’t work with Spawnables, please use ULevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary::GetObjectBindings which operates on the currently opened sequence in Editor

Is that still accurate?

You provide some C++ function, but i asked about Python replacements of get_bound_objects and get_object_bindings from this reference unreal.SequencerTools — Unreal Python 5.3 (Experimental) documentation

Apologies! I didn’t catch the Python tag on the original post. I’m unfamiliar with the Python API but I’d wager it follows suit (if it was updated that is). Does the respective functions work for this over on unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary? I couldn’t find any direct reference other than the aforementioned C++ docs mentioning the deprecation of the original calls.

Nope. Not work. Totally different set of function arguments.