When I create a new project with “Starter Content” and install it into the default location in the Documents folder the Starter Content appears in the Content Browser.
If I chose to create a project in an alternate location, such as my Dropbox folder and chose to start with Starter Content, the only item that comes threw is the Architect folder with the “Floor”.
Weird Bug, any thoughts on how to fix this?
I’ve included a video if I didn’t explain myself well enough. Thanks.
Video:Dropbox - Error
Heyo natemac00,
I’ve assigned this back over to Ben after seeing that this is on Mac. However, until this is bugged and fixed, you can create the projects in the default location and copy them to your dropbox folder afterwards. Hope that helps for the time being.
Hello natemac,
Thank you for your post,
I have been looking into this issue for you and I was able to create projects in several locations on multiple hard drives on my mac. However, I think I might know where the problem is. The editor is not expected to work properly when installed to a cloud storage location like dropbox. Although it may run, several of the features are not going to work properly. If you are looking for a source control solution we offer several choices. I am including a link to a tutorial on how to set up perforce (our preferred source control method internally)
I also am including a link to a solution that a user found to allow them to set up dropbox as source control, but it seems to only work for windows. perhaps it will give you some good ideas on what needs to happen to make it a possibility, but keep in mind that if you create your own source control method, the options for assistance are going to be much more limited than something that is more commonly used such as perforce.
Hopefully this documentation will get you the information that you need to get set up with a proper source control method, and if this is not helpful, let me know and I will be happy to try and find a better solution for you.
Now that I know that folder needs to exist, what I did to solve it and still use dropbox was to create a Symbolic Link Folder from the Documents Folder location to a folder in Dropbox.
This fixed the issue, now even though I created the files in the Documents folder, the Symbolic link stores them in a dropbox folder that I can then sync to my laptop.
I’ve used this tip before to Sync Preference and Plug-in folders between computers that I want to always keep up to date with each other. Here is a great video on showing how to set it all up: How to sync Cinema4D plugins across two computers on Vimeo
Thanks for the help.
Awesome natemac00! I will make sure to spread the word to other users who are looking for a similar solution.