"Alt" Free Look camera that returns to player facing direction

Hello, I’m not sure if the Title makes sense (Brains all over the place) But I am faced with a problem that i cant seem to get passed and I’m guessing its simple from this stage…

Imagine a game like ArmA, H1z1 and such where you can press a key and move the mouse to look around and when you let go of that key the camera would return to the direction the character is facing / running… That is what I am aiming at and I actually have it all working fin except the return of the camera to the characters current direction…

Sorry if this made no sense my brains doing over time so its really hard to concentrate currently :smiley:
Any help would be awesome.

Sorry for all the images, Just thought they would help.

I am wondering if you found the way to do this. I am also interested. Thanks!

Not currently I had given up on it currently but its still something I really want and when I have a little free time I will be continuing to try to figure it out, I’m guessing it is in fact pretty easy but my brain sucks lol… Once I find out how to do it I will share it here for others :slight_smile:

So far I can move the camera but not restore the original position, but I think I am almost there. If I find something I will let you know.

Did Unreal ever update where you can change “Use Control Rotation” at run time so you can switch back and forth between free look and the camera following the vehicle?

How did you go, want to do the same and can’t find a how to, to do it and driving me insane lol.

Can you provide the screenshot of ‘Free Look Disable’ method?