ALSV4 Community Edition: Weapon Locations are not Updating on Server when playing as clients

So, I have been playing around with the ALS system and I have come across an interesting issue.
Problem - The Socket location for the weapon is not updated when PIE using play as client.
It updates perfectly in listen mode or standalone.


  1. Spawn a weapon blueprint on authority in Update Overlay for Rifle.
  2. Attach right after spawn using C++ code.
  3. In C++ , Attach to Hand function, Only weapon validity is checked and attached to HeldObjectRoot.
  4. The weapon is also set to a variable CurrentWeapon and is replicated.

When Aiming, the weapon aims perfectly for clients but the location does not seem to update for server (IN CLIENT MODE).

My guess is, It’s something that ALS does where the server is not updated for player animation which takes place while aiming. As aiming has no effect on muzzle location.


Here, The blue sphere shows the weapon location and red sphere shows the socket location.

Any ideas what might be wrong here?