Hoorray… Now just need some bolts…
Got the first Armor Set to Celestial race done…
I think I’ll need some flags, maybe some arcs…
I like where this is going. The bridge could use abit of shadowing I think? Though I like those “snake like” things at the clouds below. Ofcourse the bridge is well done aswell.
@Archilleon Yeah! You’re right about the shadows, thanks for point this out.
I’m going through the full dynamic route (one Directional, Cascade only, no Statics and some help from a PP volume). I just need to manage better when getting shots and don’t using my Birdseye camera (that works fine with 4000 dist)… As you see, I get nice shadows with it…
Thanks for your comments!
It looks waaaaaaaaay better now. Also about the skull sign on the ground. It looks too good to be repitive. Try using it lesser so it stays epic. Thats my humble opinion ofcourse. I just dont see the reason that it needs to repeat itself that much. ^^
@Achilleon: LOL You’re right “again” about the Sentinels sign, my trouble was on poor asset design, I have 2 layers on this shader but due to the “rectangle” format from the platforms I need tile the detail layer 2X V. Maybe an optional detail layer plus a “pre-tiled” single sign can do the trick. I’ll test and post here when finished.
Thank you.
Beginning the long path to try change from this forum section to “Released Projects”…
Wish me luck. LOL
[video]VIDA - REVEAL TRAILER (UNREAL 4 version) USEN, voice subs - YouTube
You surely have a long path for that!
Looking very good.
Amazing trailer !
Cant wait to see more and play !
Welcome to the Abyss!!!
Tom Savini influences everywhere. LOL
Here we go… More structures, animated shaders…