Alpha footage (translucent) edges being ruined by emissive light

Hello everyone,

I am trying to make a short video with a person standing in front of a cube with emissive lighting.
I imported my alpha footage which is really well made including the fine tiny hairs, set it as translucent because that’s how it usually looks the best and placed it where it should be.

However, as you can see in the screenshot the edge of my alpha footage gets eaten by the emissive lighting behind it. If I change it from translucent to masked then the edges become too hard.



It seems I need something in between so the hair is there but it’s too rough with the masked mode. What could I do to fix it? I don’t mind it being a bit transparent on the edges to emulate the lightwrap but this is far from good. Maybe add something to the material of the alpha video / plane or some setting on the emissive light mesh?

I would be really thankful if someone could help with this one!