Allow VFX on Custom characters in NPC Spawner ?


It seems like the custom option for the NPC spawner utilizes a different blueprint setup internally compared to the Guard type. Custom names do not work and I can’t use the Pickup for special vfx, such as the custom NPC getting hit with a special ability or showing custom damage numbers beyond the range of what is currently allowed (in the case of more complex damage calculations that require zeroing out Fortnite damage). It seems the custom version of npcs just don’t have whatever blueprint or GAS ability setup to apply vfx to their sockets, as I have tried using Fortnite sockets on custom skeletons and they go unrecgonized.

This limits significantly what I can do with custom NPCs, which I would really like to implement (unique creatures with specific AI and special abilities). I can work around this using creative props, but with the limit for spawns being 200, using them in this way could easily crash the map or severely limit how many active players I can allow in to the map.


@RHRPaigeJ Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.