Allow us to add a semi-colon after UFUNCTION() UPROPERTY() GENERATED_BODY() decorators

If possible. This will:

  1. Prevent the indentation issues that come with macros.
  2. Prevent nonsensical errors confusing people who are new to the engine.

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Base Character");

// Error: Function return type: Missing variable type )

It’s a macro, so unless the C++ standards change this won’t happen.

That’s a shame if there really is no way around it. I guess they can’t at least fix the error message either?

Edit: But you know, UE_LOG is a macro and it can use a semicolon, the macros I make for myself do also.

I think that may be because they end on a function call in the macro itself, though honestly I’m not entirely sure! Forgot about those, I also have macros I created that require Semi-Colons. I retract my previous statements…