Allow mouselook after Set View Target

Hi all

Been fighting with this for a few hours and can’t really find a solution online that fits what I’m trying to do. Basically I’ve got blueprint with a static mesh that, when clicked, sets the view of the player to the camera in that blueprint. It works kind of like hacking a security camera in Watchdogs. The click function works fine and moves the camera view on click, however I’m not able to figure out how to allow for mouselook while possessing that camera.

My Game Mode and Controller blueprints are empty and use the basic first person controller Blueprint within Character

Walking around the level works just fine, Clicking a camera node works, it’s the being able to rotate using a left mouse down while inside that camera I’m having trouble with. Here’s a shot of the basic blueprint I’m using for the clicky mesh.

Hi Gabriel88,

At this point you would want to create alternate Input Controls for the camera. Then Disable the players input when you blend the camera and enable the Camera controls. Take a look at Divinitize’s Blueprint Radio setup at the link below.