I’m trying to achieve that my character can only move a specific distance (like 750 units). But the traveled distance differs every time (I guess it is because of different delta times every round). So I thought that I can move my character only the last missing distance if the movement distance in that frame + TravelledDistance would exceed my MaxMovemenRange. But I don’t know how.
Example of the different movement distances
Start Location: X=-1750.000 Y=600.000 Z=142.000
End Location: X=-1248.094 Y=600.000 Z=142.000
Start Location: X=-1750.000 Y=600.000 Z=142.000
End Location: X=-1247.357 Y=600.000 Z=142.000
Pretty complicated, but if i see that correctly you set the traveled distance and the last position only on axis input, how about setting that each tick (Every frame), i think that would be much more accurate. I can only guess ehre without seeing the complete project, but i think the difference is maybe from physics (acceleration of the pawn, mass, etc).
Thank you for your response.
I tinkered a bit on my BP while minding your ideas and after some trial and error it seems that I have come to a result. It isn’t always 100% accurate but ± 1 unit seems good for now.
Make it move, and when he depasses the point where it needed to go, teleport it to where it should be. Approximative but it should work. Your player won’t notice it anyways.