Whenever I import anything (models, textures, even heightmaps in the terrain editor), UE just crashes before the import finishes. (Tested on 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 with the same results) I’ve been using Unreal for a long time now, but nothing like this has ever happened before.
Should I upload a log file or something?
The logs would be helpful with something like this. Also, if you could provide a txt file copy of the call stack that pops up. Make sure it includes the Machine and Epic IDs with it. This will be useful to pull the crash up in our CrashReporter system as well, assuming you have submitted the crashes and not just closed the window.
I know you say that it crashes with anything that you try to import, but I’m afraid I’ll need clarification on this.
What Modeling program are you using?
Have you made sure that it exports as FBX 2014 if using Max or Maya?
What kinds of assets are you trying to import? Static Mesh, Skeletal Mesh?
Can you attach a DxDiag when you attach the Logs and Call Stack?
You can find them in [Your Project] > Saved > Logs
As for the crash, if the crash reporter window isn’t coming up this could be an issue that is causing Windows to crash and incidentally shut down the editor.
Can you use this Wiki for Window Event Viewer to get the windows event logs. This can sometimes point to an error that would be the issue.
Before all that though you can try updating your NVIDIA drivers for your GPU. Looking at the version you have installed is 347.25. The latest version is 358.87.
Ok, sorry I didn’t know that earlier! Here’s a zip file with the logs folder, I wasn’t sure which file was right so I just uploaded them all. http://www.mediafire.com/download/x5bawb6qvel5453/Logs.zip
I updated my NVIDIA drivers, but there was no difference. The Eventlogs program crashes whenever I try to save the UE4Editor event, but it says the faulting module is explorerEx64.dll_unloaded so I think there’s a problem with my Windows explorer that is causing the engine to crash. Thanks for your help though!
In Step 5 where it shows the error window, if you do a screenshot of that I can at least see the error that is caused when Windows crashes with UE4. It may be easier to crash UE4 and then look up the log to see where the crash happened. Maybe I can find something related to it. I can’t guarantee that though since this is more than likely a Windows Error, but maybe there is something useful I can find.