All the AIs in my Project struggle to move

So I made Move To node for all of the AIs the same, the Nav Mesh path to the location is green and updated, the engine is verified already and the the stop on overlap isn’t ticked. It’s rather really glitchy and maybe will slowly come to the desired location but still that isn’t what I’ll settle with, it just looks so bad and is very slow.

A video of the problem:

The max file size in 29 mb so sorry if it’s too low resolution, can’t do nothing about it.

Also there’s an collision box actor in there that casts to the player and doesn’t affect the Nav Mesh.

And yes, I changed Runtime Generation to Dynamic and tried Dynamic Modifiers Only.

Many people have helped me, but without any real outcome sadly but I appreciate those.

If anyone thinks it’s a repost, it isn’t I just updated the info and put the right title.

Hey @RealGoatzy!

Real quick- to bypass the 29mb upload size you can upload to youtube, list as “Unlisted” instead of private or public, and post the link. :slight_smile: It’ll show here.

The main thing I can think of is movement speed. What is your character movement movement speed variable set to?

That’s just the first thing that comes to mind. Actually- let’s see the whole details section of your character movement! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for responding!

The character’s speed is 450 on Blend Space 1D Horizontal speed and the character blueprint.
And that’s the same on all the AI characters in my project.

Also here’s the characters Anim BP, character BP


EDIT: also tell me what do you need more, and it happens also after like 19 seconds or something

Okay, that’s a really good spread of general information, but if you could highlight the character movement component and snip the details window of the “Walk” section that would be super helpful. Things like acceleration speed and max speed. In fact go ahead and set those to something far higher and let us know what happens!

Is it possible that random roam activates multiple times?

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yea sure here’s the character movement:

Random roam doesn’t activate automatically right now in blueprint but when I set Move To to do once it showed the same result.

Also when I asked reddit for a fix, they asked me to send the project files or put them somewhere, so I uploaded them to google drive and if you want to check my project out then it’s right now uploading, will send it in the next reply.

Hmm you’ve got some interesting values here.

Gravity at 1.75 instead of 1.0 and Ground Friction at 8 instead of 1.0… You could try bringing those to defaults and see how it changes. You may need to increase walk speed- what happens when you increase it to 5000 cm/s?

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All of it gives the same result, like something is stopping it from moving but there isn’t.

See what I find interesting is at the beginning the human is able to move just fine, and then the monster shows up and all of a sudden his movement is broken. Almost like the monster is the one having issues but the human is tethered to the monster and unable to exit a certain range, like they’re tied to each other with a rope.

Also, what do the collisions look like? I know that monster’s pretty tall, is the collision for it tall as well? I noticed it was hovering. It may be colliding with the ceiling? Sorry, I’m just throwing any thoughts out there because there’s insufficient information to KNOW what’s going wrong. Trying to help diagnose the problem first.

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Somebody solved it, in my character AI I had few invisible static meshes like ‘‘knife’’ and ‘‘gun’’ that after in the game I would’ve made them visible with blueprint. But I had ‘‘overlap all’’ on it and because of that the AI in the game was bugging and struggling to move. Even though they weren’t big at all.

Solution is to change the collision to ‘‘no collision’’

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