Hello there, we are 3DClouds, an italian indie developer group.
We’re currently working on our first project called ALL-STAR FRUIT RACING. All-Star Fruit Racing is the kart racing game you’ve been waiting for! More exciting, colorful, fruity, strategic and - most importantly - more fun than anything else before. Dodging coconut bowling balls or avoiding hungry dinosaurs race, on the moon or Machu Picchu, play with your friends either in split-screen mode or online.
Easy to learn but hard to master, choose your team, customize your kart and decide which of the various playing modes tempts you most;
Go……………………and have the juiciest fun you have in ages.
Stay tuned, stay fruits!
this looks awesome man!!!
I feel that your materials could be pushed more, i always thought fruit had a bit of shine to them
but other than that i think this is looking pretty cool!
Hello Folks !! Sorry for this silence but we are working hard on multi-projects. We were at E3 in LAX and our business met were very good.
Here some new concept for our females fruit -drivers , our first track Fruit Island and also the prototype Kart version 004.
Next we upload some screenshots ingame.
Sorry for the silence but we are working very hard on **All Star Fruit Racing **and other projects.
Below there are some updates on current developments!
What do you think? We would love to receive some feedback!
Thank you very much for your feedback, it’s really important for us!
All Star Fruit Racing will be released in the fourth quarter of 2017.
… Maybe, there will be the possibility for Early Access.
Hey guys,
check out the first gameplay trailer for the sensational debut title from 3DClouds.it: All-Star Fruit Racing. It’s a frenetic action packed Kart Game inspired by the colorful world of fruits!
So, what do you think?
Do you like what you see so far?
Really, really awesome project you got going here. Beautiful visuals and looks like a lot of fun to play with friends. Will there be a networked multiplayer or only split screen? And what platform is this mainly aimed for?
Hi Wixz, thank you for your support!
All Star Fruit Racing will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One retail and digital, also Steam.
We are very proud to announce that All Star Fruit Racing will enable to play from one player to four player both on split screens and multiplayer online!
Stay tuned for new updates!