All Sonniss Audio Bundles (107GB)

I found all available Sonniss Audio Packs that they released:

Part 1-6 (6GB)

2015 (10GB)

2016 (16GB)

2017 (20GB)

2018 (30GB)

2019 (25GB)

I’ll be updating this as I find more or new stuff gets released. If you have some of their stuff, reply to this thread and I’ll update accordingly :slight_smile:
Support Sonniss buy buying some of their awesome Audio packs, these are basically just “samples” but include a lot of usefull stuff for you to use, ROYALTY FREE.

So is the 25 GB files a compilation of the previous files? Or are these all different? I heard that original 10 gb file that went viral (I think is that 2015 one), is really good and useful. Is that included in the 2019 25 GB files? Thanks for putting these here as well. I couldn’t find any of those older files once I read about it.