All my stuff broke

Ive think this got me

ive been working on my game for two months i can say i have a lot of blueprints

i am making a first person game focused on narrative and game play evryting was fine on the 3/22/2017

but the next day i opened the editor to work on my game and this happend (its really long so i will explain how it works first and the the problem)

1.) all of my blueprints stoped working, even level blueprints dont work anymore

2.) my player character spawns in the viewport location when it is not even supposed to spawn

3.) no Level sequences play at all not even console commands played by blueprints

4.) Aiming offset does not work , not even the blending blueprint any blueprint

5.pretty much evriting broke on functionality

6.) the only thing that works is that i can rotate left or right but no up and down by the aim offset

7.) and my custom blueprint trigger system (let me explain)
well the system works like this and its not broke except for this thing that happend
player collide with trigger
trigger sends text to game mode
objects react if the text of the game mode = their text
and works

ive tried the follloing

make new project,
coppy the content folder

still breaks
i will show some picks of evriting
at least the player

and a level blueprint

this is the level blueprint

The game mode blueprint

the player movement blueprint and pitch and yaw

The aiming part of the animationBP

this on is with no game-mode selected and still the player spawns however there is no way for me to move on any direction only rotate left or right and all of my trigger system objects broke = does not work literally

all blueprints dint work any more

i think this is an engine bug sort a because i get no error when running but nothing works

maybe my game will never see the end of the tunnel

-Cheers with love.

Might you be simulating instead of playing?


Also in your level blueprint on the first CreateLevelSequence node, there is no asset selected, is that intentional?

its not set to simulate, also the level sequence mode is intentional

also i notice that the player when ever it spawns it has no gravity to and somehow the player(Character) wants the always spawn on the level

PS. I recently installed visual studio 2010 express 2 days before this bug occurred
i don’t know if tats the case

but yesterday the game worked perfectly fine

but now its not doing well

any way so how can i upload my project so i can get check

but im afraid that the project goes on the wrong hands


You can use File>Package Project>Zip Up Project, it will add it to a zip archive that you could upload somewhere like Google Drive or Dropbox.

If you don’t want everyone to have the link, you can PM me on the forums and I can check for you. Or, if/when someone from Epic support sees your question, they will probably offer to do the same if they can’t tell what is going on.

Have you tried right-clicking you Map file in content browser, and migrating it to a blank project? Asset Actions>Migrate
Then seeing if you get the same problem in that project?

edit: also, check in project settings that your default Map/GameMode/Game instance etc. are set as you want them

I can’t send PM but here’s the link then

some things first of the project the load map actually worked before this broken thing
so i deleted the level blueprint
trying to figure out if the problem was fixed
but the level that goes after the Load Level its the Menu and then The intro

i hope you find something

  • Cheers

In your game mode Fps_Single_game, set your GameStateClass, to GameStateBase. (At the moment, it’s GameState).

This fixed the issue for me, so maybe try that. Do you need to use GameState?

it worked ,
so curious that one little thing can cause a lot of head pain