I don’t know if the is the correct place for this I don’t know if it is a bug but I don’t know what else it could be.
Everything I have done in project settings seems to have been reset.
All my input Action and Axis mappings are gone. In all my BPs any reference to them is broken.
The lighting is not how I had it.
The Project ID reads {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
All my assets are there in the content folder. It just seems that all my Project settings have been reset
I don’t know what happened to all my settings. Can anyone help? I read somewhere that all the settings are held in a .ini file? Is there any way to retrieve the old settings info?
Same happened to me and looking for the cause. Engine version is 4.21. Project settings were resetted to defaults when i opened the project. Blank entry map was opened and my game instance was not active.
I tought i hit a shortcut without knowing (my cats walking on keyboard makes too weird things) but cant find any shortcuts doing that.
Just copied config folder from one of my backups and its ok now. That happened to me twice. At first i tought i couldnt copied all files while moving to a new computer but second time, in the morning project settings were gone.
Always make versions of your projects. And your 3d models.