All images can not be processed

I photographed some ruins with gopro Hero 5 and photographed about 1,500 images with GPS data.
I processed it, but only about 100 images were processed, and other parts could not be processed.
Is this too many pictures?
Or should I change the setting?
Help me.

Hi yasumasa

I processed it, but only about 100 images were processed, and other parts could not be processed.

Haven’t they been ALIGNED together or reconstructed ?
Can you provide us with any screenshots ?

Dear Wishgranter
Thank you for your reply!
I am surprised because the reply is early.
As a procedure
Import 1500 Gopro Hero5 GPS images
I just pressed the alignment button without doing anything,
I captured the current situation.
I can not process the outside of the Purple box


It should actually be such a result(Top View)


Image information and alignment setting screen and genelal setting screen


Maybe it depends on machine specifications and memory?

Windows10 (64bit)
CPU: Intel core i7-4770K 3.50ghz 3.50ghz


I want to hear your opinion

Hi yasumasa
I see pretty wild settings in ALIGNMENT settings !!!

For now it would be the best to just press and hold the left SHIFT and then run RC, it will ask you if you want to reset all RC settings, press OK to reset them to their DEFAULT values.
Then set the ALIGNMENT settings like in this screenshot.


Thank you for your reply!
Should I try it with this setting?


yasumasa wrote:

Thank you for your reply!
Should I try it with this setting?


Hello Yasumasa,
first reset all the settings (just to make sure), and then try using the ones in the screenshot above.

Thank you for telling me the setting information

The range to be processed slightly increased
What should I do if I expand the scope of processing more?
Should I increase the numbers of [Max features pe image] or [Preselector features] ?

Hi yasumasa
Yes, but don’t use too ‘wild‘ (large) numbers. Max 160k features per 20 Mpix image…

I would like you to tell me a more specific method
The meaning of the parameter of each setting is not known
Which parameter will change better?

yasumasa wrote:

I would like you to tell me a more specific method
The meaning of the parameter of each setting is not known
Which parameter will change better?

For more information, you can see the tutorial Alignment Settings in the Help section of the software. It is at the bottom of the main page in the ‘Learn more’ part.

Sorry to hear it over and over
After all, I tried various parameter, but not all the images are processed
It is processed with Photo scan pro


All images will be processed

I would like to have results like this

Hi yasumasa

Send me the dataset for inspection to my email, please…
pack it to a ZIP or RAR archive, upload it and send me the link…

hi Wishgranter

I sent you an email.
How about after that?

Hi yasumasa
Yes, I have inspected it, the main problem there is the image overlap is “low” and it is a “complicated” subject, you have concentrated on details but for this sort of subject you need to have an additional round of images seeing the building from a bit further away.
For now only control points (CPs) can help get it together. I will put CPs in the images and send the project you so that you can continue adding CPs to get it all aligned together properly…

Thank you
Thank you for your support
I am waiting for data to be sent to me!

Hey Yasuma did you have any luck with this