
Hey. How do I get the actor shapes (cubes, spheres, etc. I’m new to EU4 so I’m not sure if the exact name for those. Please also tell me what those are called) to align properly? I have the movement, rotation, and resize grids enabled, and I’ve tried snapping all of the objects to the grid, but somehow they still manage to end up not aligned perfectly. This generally happens after I’ve resized something. This is a huge problem because when I’m creating buildings, etc. I want to have walls, floors, and other objects all aligned perfectly. Thanks.

Whenever you scale things, depending on how much you have scaled it, it will misalign to the grid. I have seen this happen alot with people. You either have to check how much you have scaled your object and make sure it is a whole number i think. Or create the object to the correct scale in a modelling program. Try some of these options too and see if they help (select the object first):


Awesome, thanks! :slight_smile:

Or you can also use the vertex snapping tool -> https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Actors/Transform/index.html#vertexsnapping :slight_smile:

Oh, awesome. Thanks!