Hey guys, I need some help figuring this out.
I’ve been trying to align a set of images. Over and over it gets stuck in Alignment where the CPU falls off, progress message doesn’t change.
It’s usually not during feature detection, it’s usually during “processing”.
The only way to recover is to kill the program via Task Manager.
What’s happing to cause this?
I hoped that if my alignment settings are too difficult, alignment would fail or align few images instead of just sitting there.
Steps I took:
import 750 images
import masks for them
import flight log that contains position and orientation
group images by the phsyical camera they were shot with (3 identical cameras used) into 3 calibration groups and 3 lens distortion groups.
check the prior pose by doing
select all images
Selected Inputs > Prior Pose > Absolute Pose > Locked
then Align
Afterward reset to
Selected Inputs > Prior Pose > Absolute Pose > Position and Orientation
Then move on to real alignment
I have 3 cameras on a rig taking pictures and I have pretty precise location and orientation applied to them
so I am trying to figure out the alignment settings that work best
Here are the settings that have given me the best results - but 95% of the time i’m getting stuck instead of alignment.
postion accuracy is 1 meaning we are quite sure it’s within 1 meter of it’s prior position
orientation acurracy is 10 meaning within 10 degrees
hardness values we have tried to mess with, but they seem non deterministic
Detector sensitivity is Ultra to try to get features in low detail areas. the image quality seems very low noise where this might work
What’s going on?
RC version 1.4.1
latest GPU drivers for Nvidia T4 GPU (4 of them) on VM on Google Cloud