Hello fantastic results from the software but my issue is the alignment results for the cameras change–either one half or the other half of cameras tend to align. In Agisoft the cameras aligned and a full model was generated, but in RC the results are misaligned or missing but the model is shockingly more detailed and noise free.
Is there a setting I should experiment with in RC to improve results or is AGI just more forgiving when it comes to quality of photos it chooses to use?
Is it possible to import one of the Photoscan camera export formats into RC?
I never thought of trying that?! it’s worth a shot. I’ll try it and post results later tonite.
Hi Alex
For the alignment we set the alignment algorithm a bit strict. but it is perfect for understanding what is not properly captured. so if RC does not manage to align the model, then inspect it and try to find out why ( not systematic capturing of images, not proper overlap, low image count, too high angles among cameras )
If this happens, we recommend you to acquire additional images or use control points to get it together
It’s possible to import bundle out scenes + undistorted images. If you can export that from Photoscan then you should be able to import them.
We are using a different camera lens distortion model from the one used defined in “bundle.out”. We are taking just a camera rotation, a translation and a focal length. It is assumed that all input images are undistorted.
thank you for the replies. i inspected the camera positions on AGI to what was aligned in CR and it is clear it has to do with lack of overlap for the photoset i was using. the one side that was covered well shows up and the other side that is a bit haphazard misses alignment which explains things a bit better.
Hi admin,
would it be possible that you describe how to Import bundle out and images?
Since I have problems with texturising, I wanted to try doing int in meshlab. However, I haven’t been able to figure out how toexport the model plus cameras to meshlab. Could you give me a hint?
Anybody? Just need a pointer… 
If it’s not possible yet, never mind, but it is better to know it for certain.
Directly go through file/open dialog. It accepts bundle .out format.
Images should be indexed starting either 0 or 1 and should be undistorted.
Hi admin,
thanks for replying. 
I still don’t understand though.
In the Save As dialog, I can only chose RC - even if I select all files and add .out manually, it still creates a rcproj-file.
And by indexing you mean the file names?
Could you explain why?
Hi Götz
to importing BUNDLE.OUT
export it from agi as project_name.out + undistorted images there
in RC use the LOAD dialogue and set the bundle.out format for loading
you need to use JPGs for the images, any other format causes issues
the main problem here is you need that ALL images are aligned, if they are not, you will get into issues
to export from RC
ALIGNMENT ribbon / REGISTRATION tool and set the bundle.out format
use the JPG as the export format of images
Thanks Wishgranter! …for the hundreth time or so 
Now I get it - seems to have been a mixup between import and export - I needed export.
I see, you want to save, not load bundle.out 
It is possible to export bundle.out only for sparse point cloud + camera poses. This can be done using WORKFLOW\Export\Registration and select “bundler” format in “save as type” combo box.
I’m trying to import the bundle out (.out) file exported from agisoft along with the jpeg images but I get this error. Can anyone help me what I’m doing wrong?
how many images do you have in agisoft ? how many from them are aligned ?
on export of undistorted images use this {filenum}.{fileext} in the FILENAME TEMPLATE
martinb wrote:
I see, you want to save, not load bundle.out 
It is possible to export bundle.out only for sparse point cloud + camera poses. This can be done using WORKFLOW\Export\Registration and select “bundler” format in “save as type” combo box.
Thanks martinb.
Only sparse cloud?
Suppose I could do that and also export the mesh.
I assume it will keep the orientation (coordinates) when I import both in another application?
I will try it soon and get back to you…
I tried to export bundle data from photoscan in the described way, but i get the same error message when i try to import it. :?:
Hi Akiro
how many images do you have in agisoft ? how many from them are aligned ?? screenshots, please…
are you exporting JPGs when doing the UNDISTORTION in agisoft ?
can you PM me a few screenshots of your workflow ? to see if you are not doing anything improperly…
ok, got it…
I forgot to change “{filename}” to “{filenum}”. :oops: Now it works great!
Thanks for the quick reply! 
read carefully my reply next time !!!