I have a set of 597 pictures of a Leopard 2A6 I took from a museum, following proper procedure of taking shots with a lot of overlap and going around the entire tank. In Reality Capture, no matter what settings I try, I get two separate components, one where the sides and front of the tank are aligned, and the other where only the back left side is aligned. In both components, RC aligns about 180 and 70 images respectively, out of 597 total.
I first tried using default settings, but that didn’t produce a good result. I then tried bumping up some settings as suggested by others on these forums, and while I got a slightly better result, still no luck. I also set about 30 CPs on the main component that get the most camera matches, but this only gives me an additional 2-3 images per Alignment run. I also tried merging components but no luck.
Is there something I can do to get more alignment into the main component, or somehow merge them both? Even then, only using half of the pictures is not ideal.
I appreciate any help.