Hi there. I’m building a map currently and I’ve run into a hurdle I just cant seem to pass. I’ve used a reserved spline layer for my landscape and that’s all good, I can place a mesh along my splines though this is just like a road, placing a fence follows the center of the path so that wont work, I created a blueprint for the fence allowing me to move the spline and rotate the axis and to follow one another however I cant work out how to snap it to the landscape. The reserved layer version looks so good for being so wrong haha, it would be nice to place meshes alongside the outside of your landscape spline to create/walls along each side without deforming the landscape, did I miss that? if not how would I go about editing my blueprint to ensure the fences are snapped to the landscape? spent days on this to no avail
Apologies for the long question just wanted to provide as much info as possible, first question too so not even sure im posting right haha!
Provided link [spline - Google Drive] photos of reserved spline mesh fence and the blueprint version,
Any help much appreciated!