aligning SFM with TLS data (only intensity)

Hi all,
I am just trying to do first tests to process laser scan data and pictures together. I’ve inserted few scans in ptx (only intensity) taken with Surphaser and some pictures, but when I tried to align data together, both set created separate component…
I thing that both data sets have enough overlaps. Could be problem in different resolution?

Hi Grundmann

I thing that both data sets have enough overlaps. Could be problem in different resolution?

The overlap is OK but, as you say, different resolution and a quite different look in RGB and in laser INTENSITY.
The fastest way would be to use control points (CP) to get it together in few minutes.

Take a look at CP workflow:
Look how the CPs are spread over the image to get best possible results.

Thanks for your answer,
I am just thinking if registration using GCP will be precise enough. I don’t want to destroy my TLS data due to the misalignment.

Is it possible to try something (modify TLS data) to get at least some matches?

Or does it work like that when I pick some GSPs I will already help to the algorithm to search easily for matches?

Btw. how does the fusion work. Would it be possible to set higher weights to the TLS data.


Hi Grundmann

Yes, the CPs help you get rough “alignment” and then, when it is inside of reprojection errors, it will use detected matches. That is why you need to carefully plan placing CPs, like in the video.

Yes, you can set different weights on the data but in most cases you do NOT need to do anything here…