Airflow simulation using Niagara

Trying to create particles that looks like air flow simulations
There are windows opened in this glass building, however the very few only gets inside the space but the rest are refusing to get in, they also bounce off instead of following along the curved surface of the building like how air particles travel. Any tip for achieving realistic particle movement>?? thanks!

I can’t understand what effect is you need.
Supposed you want to make the particles following object surface, SDF may help to get surface normal, then you then correct your particles’ movement, such as velocity - velocity * normal.
I knows little about it. But there is an example about how to use SDF in Niagara System in offical project ContentExample. It lies in Niagara_Advanced_Particles level, named Bodies.

Its this kind of effect that I’d like to create

It looks like fluid simulation related about solving NS equation, or solving anything else governing fluid-like behaviour. Precisely solving NS equation is work of scientists, if you really need it, it can use a simplified form.
If you only want to implement the flow by simple collision of particles, because current problem is violent rebound, so you can change rebound behaviour of your emitter. It may lies in Solve Forces and Velocity. For example, if the solver handle rebound by adding a rebound force, then you can create a small scalar parameter ReboundScale and multiply it with the rebound force.
However, I haven’t tried it. Wish you can solve it.

Did you manage to solve this? I need to do the same thing, but I’m having some issues with the collider. Could you maybe show me what kind of setup did you uuse for this?